[GNC] Search/report by description

R. Victor Klassen rvklassen at gmail.com
Wed Aug 25 14:51:27 EDT 2021

I’m looking for a report or means of searching all bills/invoices for a specific pattern in the description field of any line.  I would further like to restrict it (optionally) by date range or customer/vendor.  

For example I might want to know what we paid for whatsits last year and from whom all we bought them.  They might be a small subset of what went in the account and they might have wound up in multiple accounts depending on their intended end use.  

Similarly I might want to know what we charged for dinguses. And there might have been some that were accounted as greenhouse dinguses, while others were grown in the field, but just now I want to know what we charged customer x for them. 

I’m willing to use piecash if necessary but not write scheme.  

Sent from my iPhone

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