[GNC] read-only accounts

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Fri Dec 3 13:22:58 EST 2021

Maybe the warning could be more helpful. (via a more accurate description)

If the issue involves affecting a placeholder account that shouldn't be 
edited, and *not* just the editing of a reconciled transaction, the 
warning should inform the user this is the case. (or maybe the register 
should show some special designation for placeholder accounts, so the 
user would catch this at a glance)

While the rules around the reconciled warning have been relaxed, there 
are times where editing them is acceptable, but without remembering 
which accounts were marked placeholders, this incomplete warning can 
result in 'unexpected' behavior.

Though I'll concede this particular case still at least prevents 
'inadvertent' editing since you have to dismiss the warning.


On 12/3/21 8:37 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
> HI,
> On Fri, December 3, 2021 9:17 am, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 02, 2021 at 08:33:51PM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
>>> Mark the account as a PlaceHolder account and it'll be read-only.
>> Oh, that's a nice trick I didn't think of!  Thanks!
>> Howver, it seems to me that it doesn't fully lock down the account.  If
>> I tried to change a split belonging to that account from "the other
>> side", it first nags me about changing a reconciled split, then it
>> errors out saying that "the account doesn't allow transactions" (because
>> it's read-only), but it then still proceeds to record the changes,
>> regardless of the warning.
>> Is that the expected behaviour?
> Yes.
> GnuCash told you "don't do that" but you did it anyways.
> -derek

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