[GNC] Bitcoin is legal currency in El Salvador - why not add BTC?

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Fri Dec 10 21:27:28 EST 2021

Nice write up.

I'll draw attention to John's previous comment: (to paraphrase) "When it 
is added to the currently accepted ISO list of 'currencies' then it will 
be added to GnuCash *as a currency*."

There are promises and gems to be held in that statement, but breath 
should be exhaled!

As John mentioned, when banks start using it as a currency, they'll 
*likely* add it to that ISO list. That's when GnuCash will *at the 
earliest* gain support for it—as a currency.


On 12/10/21 3:30 PM, davidcousens49 at gmail.com wrote:
> Dustin and Dave,
> As always with GnuCash the priority accorded to an item is a weighted decision
> based on the need and the availability of developer time against other
> priorities. The principal weighting is the availability of someone in the
> development team (by no means a fixed resource outside the core developers of
> the project and even the volunteer core developers are a time limited resource)
> with enough familiarity with the areas of code affected with both the time and
> the interest in making the necessary changes. It is not simply a matter of
> management assigning an appropriate resource as it is in a commercial
> application.
> Discussions such as these are a useful and a necessary part of building up the
> momentum for introducing such changes and defining the issues involved but until
> someone self identifies to take on the task of implementation, it remains just a
> topic of discussion. John Ralls has defined the conditions which would raise the
> priority for him to consider taking up the issue of BTC as a currency and it is
> highly likely that most of the other core developers are going to have similar
> priorities
> Ultimately it gets down to if you want it badly enough and non-one else is
> prepared to or has offered to implement a desired change, then you either put on
> your developer hat, learn the necessary skills and get it done yourself, or
> forget about it for the moment, until someone is prepared to make the offer to
> implement it or your need becomes a sufficient motivator.
> The GnuCash user forum has had many such issues raised over its history, many of
> which are still languishing after more than 20 years waiting for someone with
> the necessary skills and interest to take them up, particularly the case for
> issues which only affect a minority of the jurisdictions in which GnuCash is
> used.
> My personal judgements is that at present BTC is not yet a universal currency
> and is not regulated enough to be usefully recorded as a currency but I do
> recognize as Dave Kirby has pointed out that this position is rapidly changing.
> Yes standards lag behind practice, but their introduction usually signals the
> process of regulation and control is underway that will change BTC from a
> primarily speculative medium of exchange to a regulated currency.
> David Cousens

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