[GNC] A repository for user-contributed files

Dr. David Kirkby drkirkby at kirkbymicrowave.co.uk
Mon Dec 13 15:10:06 EST 2021

This idea came up on another thread, but I thought it sufficiently separate
idea to warrant its own thread.

Would people find it useful to have a repository of user contributed files
(reports etc.)? Does one exist?

If one does not exist, any suggestions on how to maintain one? A groups.io
group could be set up, but the free version of that is now limited to just
100 members, so that's pretty useless. My experience of permitting file
uploads is that it is a PITA due to people attempting to upload nasties.

I could create a sub-domain on


so instead it was https://gnucaseh.kirkbymicrowave.co.uk/ (that will be
broken now)

Then people email me files and I manually upload them. But that would
become too much of a burden if there were many reports.

Any thoughts on

a) Does one exist?
b) Would many contribute?
c) How to store the files.?
d) Anything else of relevance?


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