[GNC] getting other account types on expense report

David Cousens davidcousens at bigpond.com
Tue Feb 16 01:04:27 EST 2021


I may be misinterpreting your description of the transactions you are making
and if so the first two paragraphs may be irrelevant.

When you earn income, in double entry accounting the transaction to record
that will be a debit to an asset account (usually a bank account or cash in
wallet or similar depending on how you are paid or receive the income) to
record the increase in your assets and a corresponding credit to the
relevant income to record how that that increase in assets came about as a
result of earned income.

When you pay off your mortgage principal, you should not be paying it out of
the income account, but out of an asset account (most likely a bank account
or cash account where the funds are coming from) and the transaction to
record this will credit the asset account and debit the liability account
for your mortgage. The interest is normally recorded as an expense. If you
are actually paying the mortgage out of an income account as you described
rather than an asset account it means your income accounts will not be
actually recording your income.

The expenses barchart  only records expenses so it only allows you to add
expense accounts. You could possibly customise a Transaction report and then
select your expense accounts and the liability account for your mortgage in
that report then save it as a custom report. If you record the interest
charged and then the interest paid under the mortgage liability account you
could setup two sub-accounts of the mortgage liability account, one to
record the interest componnet and one to record the paydown of the principal
and then only include the latter account in the above customised Transaction
report, you should get what you require.

David Cousens

David Cousens
Sent from: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/GnuCash-User-f1415819.html

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