[GNC] Is there a record of reconciliations performed along with closing balances and dates?
Adrien Monteleone
adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Thu Jan 7 20:50:26 EST 2021
Thanks Jim,
It seems there was some work done recently to bring some of this about,
but it is shelved for now pending other improvements.
In the meantime, the Reconciliation Report does show the reconcile-date
for each split, so I suppose I could take an Account Report and meld the
two together in a spreadsheet. I don't see that the ending balance
reconciled against is recorded, but some working backwards might produce
a good guess.
I'm now in the process of altering my Notes accordingly as best I can
figure the original data.
Note, I'm not sure if this topic is covered in the docs (I haven't
looked yet) but apparently, if you re-reconcile after making an edit,
you should do so with the original ending statement date and amount. For
Cash accounts, unless one records this info, it is lost to the ether.
(the ending balance is lost; the date can be gleaned as you say
directly, or running the Reconciliation Report *before* editing the
Thankfully, changes were made to not be so trigger happy on flipping the
reconcile flag so this should be less important after I trudge through
the current mess I have. (many old transactions with more recent
On 1/7/21 4:38 PM, Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
> Adrien:
> Interesting question!
> On 2021-01-07 13:59, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> I have a couple of cash accounts that I reconcile on a non-regular
>> basis.…
>> I noticed some of my more recent balancing entries contain a Note of
>> what the cash-on-hand 'ending' balance was at the time. Further
>> examination of the relevant accounts, shows the balance no longer at
>> that amount as of that balancing transaction. (meaning I've entered
>> missing transactions somewhere or made other correcting entries
>> earlier in the register)
>> I'd like to clean those up, but I don't have such notes for older
>> balancing entries.…
>> *I'm not scared to delve into the data file if the info is there, but
>> just not exposed in the UI. Just kindly point me in the right
>> direction. (I'm using SQLite backend)
> I do a similar irregular reconciliation of cash-on-hand and
> accounts-receivable accounts. I am not aware of a report which gives you
> the reconciliation dates you seek. If you find it, I would like to know.
> I do believe that the reconciliation dates are in the GnuCash book, if
> you are willing to write code to get them. I was just looking inside the
> XML form of the GnuCash book, because I was writing a program to fix up
> linked file locations.
> Inside the file, in a <gnc:transaction> element, there is <trn:splits>,
> which contains two or more <trn:split> element. A reconciled (or
> cleared) <trn:split> element contains a <split:reconciled-state> element
> with a value "y" (or "c"), and a <split:reconcile-date> with a date. An
> unreconciled <trn:split> element contains a <split:reconciled-state>
> element with a value "n", and no <split:reconciled-state> element.
> Also, in the <gnc:account> element, there is a "slots" mapping
> structure. One slot has the key "reconcile-info". Its value is a mapping
> structure with "last date", "last-interval", and "include-children".
> Note this is per-account info, not per transaction.
> Thus, I suspect that you might be able to write a report which uses
> these structures to get close to what you want.
> I looked inside the SQLite form of a GnuCash book a long time ago, but I
> don't recall how it is structured. I suspect it might be fairly
> straightforward to rephrase the above in SQLite terms. But sorry, I
> can't easily do that for you myself at the moment.
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