[GNC] Recent list in file menu

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Mon Jan 18 11:46:57 EST 2021

You can also use the domain directly, e.g.

  defaults read org.gnucash.Gnucash

John Ralls

> On Jan 18, 2021, at 6:08 AM, will at theprescotts.com wrote:
> Note:  If you have Gnucash in a non-standard location like I do, you probably will have to give the full path to the application. e.g.
> defaults read -app /Applications/Gnucash/Gnucash-4.4/Gnucash.app
> On 2021 Jan 18, at 01-18 04:20:33, Michael Hendry <hendry.michael at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 17 Jan 2021, at 20:11, David H <hellvee at gmail.com> wrote:
>> You can easily check the mru details by doing the following...
>> defaults read -app Gnucash
>> or
>> defaults read -app Gnucash | grep history
>> Cheers David H
> Yes, I discovered how to read and write the relevant plist using “defaults”, via the man page, and have also inspected it with Xcode.
> Here is the output from the command you suggested:
> => defaults read -app Gnucash | grep history
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file0" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/TestMRU.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file1" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/ESJE.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file2" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/RotaryClub.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file3" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/RotaryCharity.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file4" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/MDH.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file5" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/CrashTest/A.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file6" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/CrashTest/B.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file7" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/ESJE.gnucash.20200316161155.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file8" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/RotaryClub.gnucash.20200108210937 copy.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file9" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/Test_2019-10-26.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/maxfiles" = 6;
> I recently created “TestMRU.gnucash”, the following 4 files are those I regularly use, and the final 5 are not currently in use.
> I still get only the 4 most recently opened files in the File menu, so if I want to open MDH.gnucash, I have to use File->Open.
> After opening this file, your command yields the following:
> => defaults read -app Gnucash | grep history
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file0" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/MDH.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file1" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/TestMRU.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file2" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/ESJE.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file3" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/RotaryClub.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file4" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/RotaryCharity.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file5" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/CrashTest/A.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file6" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/CrashTest/B.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file7" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/ESJE.gnucash.20200316161155.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file8" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/RotaryClub.gnucash.20200108210937 copy.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/file9" = "/Users/michaelhendry/Documents/Accounts/Test_2019-10-26.gnucash";
>   "/org/gnucash/history/maxfiles" = 6;
> …which is as expected.
> If there’s another Mac user with more than four files in use, perhaps s/he could report on what after the command:
> defaults write -app Gnucash "/org/gnucash/history/maxfiles” 6
> (preferably with a before-and-after run of the "defaults read…” command).
> Regards,
> Michael
> PS I noticed that the values associated with the various keys are enclosed in double-quotes, and tried 
> defaults write -app Gnucash "/org/gnucash/history/maxfiles” “6”
> but the double-quotes don’t appear in the plist.
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