[GNC] closing of books and multiple currencies: a question on exchanges

David Cousens davidcousens at bigpond.com
Mon Mar 22 16:25:18 EDT 2021


The simplest way is to reflect the transfer that Paypal made from your USD
Paybal balance to your EUR Paypal balance in your books at the date they
made the transfer. I take it you use asset accounts to record your Paypal
transactions from your description but if you use Liability accounts instead
just reverse the debits and credits in the following. 

In that case just credit paypal:usd for US$5.56 and debit the paypal:eur
account for the relevant amount in euros at the date Paypal made the
transfer (Paypal will usually have the exchange rate somewhere in the
massive CSV file if you download their activity statement). If you enter the
USD and EUR amounts for the USD and EUR paypal accounts when you create the 
transaction GNuCash should generate a price entry with the exchange rate in
the price database. 

At the end of the year close the paypal:usd to Capital:USD and in the new
book create the new paypal:usd in the new book  with an opening balance of
USD:0.88 against the transferred balance for Capital:USD in your new book
just as you would for any other asset.

David Cousens
Sent from: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/GnuCash-User-f1415819.html

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