[GNC] multi-split CSV import

David Cousens davidcousens at bigpond.com
Fri May 14 22:48:08 EDT 2021

There is.
The best way to get a handle on a format is to use the Export transaction
with the GnuCash export format selecting the multiline option and export
some multisplit transactions into a csv file and then examine it with a text
editor. The common transaction information is missing in the subsequent
lines (",,,etc") and only the the account split information will be present.

he GnuuCash export format also contains thing s like the account and
transaction uuids which it isn't necessary to have present when importing
data as the importer will map account names in the import records onto the
internal GnuCash accounts the first time they are encountered in imported
data and create a permanent mapping.

A typical exported record looks like
Date,Transaction ID,Number,Description,Notes,Commodity/Currency,Void
Reason,Action,Memo,Full Account Name,Account Name,Amount With Sym,Amount
Num.,Reconcile,Reconcile Date,Rate/Price

05/04/18,0d5021ad07e2493999398005679aeaa9,,BELVEDERE HOTEL  Value Date:
28/03/2018,OFX ext. info: |Trans type:Generic
debit,CURRENCY::AUD,,,BELVEDERE HOTEL Value Date: 28/03/2018,Assets:Current
Assets:Checking Account,Checking Account,-$10.40,-10.40,c,,1.00

the minimum fields you need to have in an imported record from memory are 
Date, Description,Account Name, Amount

The second line with the  " ,,,,,,,," is the second account for a 2 split
transaction in this case and for >2 splits there will be an additional
similar line for each split. 


David Cousens
Sent from: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/GnuCash-User-f1415819.html

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