[GNC] General Ledger amounts missing

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Fri Nov 5 12:12:20 EDT 2021

On 11/5/2021 11:22 AM, Sharon Sydnor wrote:
> Gyle, yes thank you I considered that and did set the correct start and end dates and also thought to look to the PREFERENCES of the entire program and there is a place there to also set the start and end dates and select if they are RELATIVE or ABSOLUTE, and I chose the latter.  I’ll change to relative and see if it makes a difference although I don’t understand why it would.  Also since I do my books “at one sitting” and block out a period of time and work straight through from Jan to Dec of usually the former year, I change the date and time on the entire computer as well,  setting it back to Dec 31 of the required year.
> Sharon
I think it might help clarify things if instead of referring to gnucash 
report names you said what reports you wanted in terms of their standard 
accounting names. Thus a "balance sheet" report has a DATE associated 
with it (the :as of" date) while a "statement of income and expenses" 
would have a DATE RANGE (start and stop date of the interval.

BUT --- "I change the date and time on the entire computer as well" is 
not needed. Like most accounting software, gnucash does NOT assume 
either data entry of transactions nor dates for reports are in "real 
time'. You SPECIFY the date/dates.

One oddity that MIGHT be tripping you up is that with gnucash specify 
dates for reports only after they exist! In other words, you first "run" 
the report with whatever default dates present and then use the "edit 
report options" to change things like the effective date (and 
formatting, etc.) This might seem like extra work but ensures that you 
explicitly set dates, etc. instead of forgetting this and mistakenly 
having the dates form the last time being used.

Michael D Novack

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