[GNC] Can I reverse the "deposit" and "withdrawal" columns for checkbook entry?

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Sat Oct 16 15:19:43 EDT 2021

On 10/16/2021 11:22 AM, Tom Browder wrote:
> My bank's checkbook register has the "withdrawal" and "deposit" columns in
> the reverse order of that shown in Gnucash. Is there any way to reverse
> them in Gnucash for ease of use?

It is customary practice, when showing both the debits and credits for 
an account, to have the debit column to the left of the credit column.

What is confusing you is forgetting that your point of view and the 
bank's point of view they are opposite. The money in your account is a 
asset for you, normally a debit balance, but it is a liability for the 
bank, a credit balance. They owe you that money.

The statement you get from the bank is your account with them from their 
point of view. That should be opposite from your point of view (what's 
in your books, not their books)

Michael D Novack

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