[GNC] Scheduled transactions feature or bug?

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Tue Apr 12 15:52:18 EDT 2022

On 4/12/2022 3:07 PM, Dale Alspach wrote:
> Unless one lives in a science fiction world with time travel available 
> one does not normally *schedule* something to occur in the past.
> :)
> If this is kept as a feature then perhaps the name should be changed 
> to "automatic transaction creation tool".
> Dale

The entry of transactions into a journal/ledger is not "real time:

Some of the organizations for which I kept books would have very few 
transactions for most of the year. Just one or two a month (record  bank 
interest, for example). I didn't enter these as they came in but saved 
up till at least a half dozen or so or perhaps just once before the 
quarterly board meeting so I could do a Treasurer's report. So ALWAYS in 
the past.

You have confused "when you arranged between some party and your bank to 
make an automatic periodic payment" (when these real transactions began 
taking place) and "when you entered this in your books" (by setting up a 
scheduled transaction in gnucash). To use my "low volume org" for 
example, might be one date when arranging with national to draw monthly 
"chapter dues" from the chapter account and these deductions from the 
bank account occur and some later time when set up in the books. ONE of 
the organizations I kept books for only met annually and for maybe 10-11 
months of the year would have close to zero transaction volume. So books 
"done" just once a year.

Michael D Novack

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