[GNC] Build From Source Near Impossible

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Mon Aug 8 11:25:48 EDT 2022

Ditto concerning Ubuntu versions.

In my experience so far building on older versions of Ubuntu, you can 
stumble into a nasty nearly un-resolvable dependency hell. It *can* be 
resolved (best I have figured out so far) by pinning lots of packages, 
but that may not always be the best solution for everyone and is more of 
an exercise to determine if it 'can be done at all'. Save for the sheer 
satisfaction of having tackled it, there is little practical value. 
(more than likely, those held packages are used by other apps and you'll 
eventually have problems when you update them)

As I understand, GnuCash supports whatever OS versions their respective 
vendors support. So if you're using anything EOL (even in between 
supported versions) you're on your own. If you can't upgrade to a 
supported OS, a Flatpak is now provided should you also need/want a 
newer GnuCash version than whatever is in your OS repos.


On 8/6/22 8:07 AM, Robert Simmons wrote:
> First of all, Impish is already EOL.

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