[GNC] Don't get this at all

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Tue Feb 1 09:56:26 EST 2022

On 2/1/2022 2:46 AM, Don Robertson wrote:
> Well, I guess it isn't for me. I think computers should save people 
> time. If I need to open my bank page in my browser and copy the 
> transactions manually into Gnucash  and make a bill, post it, and pay 
> it  for every packet of paperclips .... doesn't work for me.
> Or I have to manually split each transaction and work out how much 
> sales tax is involved? I wonder if I still have a calculator in a 
> drawer somewhere. Or an adding machine? Can you still get the little 
> rolls of paper for them? Where I come from, if we go to the store and 
> pay $100, we'd have to multiply by 3 and then divide by 23, to get tax 
> of 13.04 on a net price of 86.96. The receipt would be emailed and 
> saved into a folder.
> Sort of thing that would be easy to program, but I have to type that 
> in to get the GST? and I suppose 100 - 100*3/23 to get the net price. 
> Simple. 

Easy to program? (I did this for a living) For every sales tax levying 
body on the planet? Each not only having different rates but rules about 
to what sales tax applies (which can even get modified by where bought)

Thus my jurisdiction is Massachusetts. If I am in a hardware store and 
buy a pair of winter gloves, taxable (protective gear) but if I were 
buying the same gloves in a clothing store, not taxable (clothing). If 
while in that clothing store I spent $100 for those gloves, a sweat suit 
top and bottom, and a handbag, some of that would be taxable and some 
not (the handbag isn't classed "clothes"). So yes, I would really have 
to have that receipt in from of me and enter the split as tax was charged.

BTW -- whether that storage cabinet should be an "expense" or something 
added to the basis of fixed assets/office furniture and only expensed as 
depreciated will depend on how you handle that (for example, might be 
below your "de minimis" for fixed assets)

Michael D Novack

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