[GNC] Canadian Mortgage

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Thu Feb 3 18:45:28 EST 2022

On 2/3/2022 2:51 PM, David G. Pickett via gnucash-user wrote:
> ...... My last code change at Bank of America was to add a very tiny bit to balance transfer fees so that cent was not lost, not to satisfy the bank, but to satisfy testers validating a huge software update.

LOL .... and among other things, I used to calculate "fuzz" values* at 
MassMutual. Similar fun to do.

Michael D Novack

* "fuzz" is the amount (the maximum cumulative error from all the 
various rounding in different places) so can do the comparison for equality

If AmountA < AmountB + fuzz and AmountA > AmountB - fuzz then consider 
AmountA = AmountB ... they of course will rarely be EXACTLY equal as not 
calculated exactly the same way.

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