[GNC] No Stock Quotes - OS Monterey, Gnucash 4.8(Build ID: 4.8a+(2021-09-28))
smada46 at hotmail.com
smada46 at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 10 20:48:59 EST 2022
John, David Partial Success
Ran the commands in John’s last response and the Price Database Get Quotes button is now working. Attempted to download quotes but got no quotes for any stock. Looked at a sampling of stocks in Security Editor to make sure that Get Online Quotes had not been unchecked and that the type and source of quotes was identified and they were all good. When I previously ran David’s commands to get the certificate collection I got an error similar to the one I was getting with gnc-fq-update and was unable to get Mozilla::CA. So thinking I may still have a certificate problem, I ran “sudo cpan” again and got the following:
Last login: Thu Feb 10 17:53:28 on ttys000
dwa1 at dwa1 ~ % sudo cpan
Loading internal logger. Log::Log4perl recommended for better logging
Terminal does not support AddHistory.
To fix enter> install Term::ReadLine::Perl
There seems to be running another CPAN process (pid 14690). Contacting...
Other job not responding. Shall I overwrite the lockfile '/Users/dwa1/.cpan/.lock'? (Y/n) [y]
Having gone through everything so far I’m not sure about overwriting files etc since at least the button is working. Any guidance on what to do here so I can get to CPAN and run “install Mozilla::CA” to see if the certificate is the issue now in not getting stock prices?
> On Feb 10, 2022, at 17:26, John Ralls <jralls at ceridwen.us> wrote:
> Dennis,
> Very good, almost there. The only problem is the failed test in B::Keywords, which you can work around with
> sudo cpan -f -i B::Keywords
> and then re-run
> sudo /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-update
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Feb 10, 2022, at 4:14 PM, dennis adams <smada46 at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> John, decided to give “Xcode-select —install” another try since seemed problem was lack of CLTs. It installed in an hour so don’t know what the 215 hrs was about last night. I then ran “/Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-update” without sudo and ended up with 330 pdf pages of terminal dump. I then ran it again with sudo and have attached the terminal info from that command. I then ran the check and got the following:
>> dwa1 at dwa1 ~ % /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-check
>> You need to install the following Perl modules:
>> Finance::Quote
>> Use your system's package manager to install them,
>> or run 'gnc-fq-update' as root.
>> missing-lib
>> dwa1 at dwa1 ~ %
>> The terminal dump seems to indicate several prerequisites and dependencies are not installed. Says to install modules but not sure how to do that.
>> Thanks
>>> On Feb 10, 2022, at 15:50, John Ralls <jralls at ceridwen.us> wrote:
>>> Dennis,
>>> Progress, I guess.
>>> Yes, $PATH is typed verbatim. You did that part right.
>>> You probably need to run gnc-fq-update and friends with the full path, e.g.
>>> /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-check
>>> gnc-fq-update usually requires sudo in front of it
>>> sudo /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-update
>>> because it wants to write to your system perl directories.
>>> Regards,
>>> John Ralls
>>>> On Feb 10, 2022, at 1:40 PM, smada46 at hotmail.com wrote:
>>>> John, again thanks. Yes, the obvious is not obvious to me as I am a user and much beyond that I am lost, especially with doing terminal commands. I love using GC and it works great until MAC or sometimes GC updates and there are problems which I try to find solutions to in the Archives. But when I don’t, I ask for help but again am not that coding or terminal savvy. I do try though and appreciate all the help and patience you all provide.
>>>> I ran the “sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app” command and the check which is below and seems to be correct.
>>>> Last login: Thu Feb 10 12:58:28 on ttys000
>>>> dwa1 at dwa1 ~ % sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app
>>>> Password:
>>>> dwa1 at dwa1 ~ % xcode-select -p
>>>> /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
>>>> dwa1 at dwa1 ~ %
>>>> I then ran “export PATH=“/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin:$PATH” which resulted in the “dquote>” prompt. Here again, I am not sure if I am supposed to substitute something for $PATH or not or if that is the command. At the “dquote>” prompt, I typed in “gnc-fq-update” which just went to the “dquote>” prompt again without updating FQ. Is gnc-fq-update the command or am I supposed to type something in front of gnc-fq-update?
>>>> dwa1 at dwa1 ~ % export PATH=“/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin:$PATH"
>>>> dquote> gnc-fq-update
>>>> dquote>
>>>> In an earlier e-mail you stated:
>>>> /usr/bin is right where you'd expect it, but you can't see it with Finder, only from the terminal. For example you can type
>>>> ls -l /usr/bin/make
>>>> and if it's there get back something like
>>>> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 167088 Dec 7 15:39 /usr/bin/make*
>>>> When I ran”ls -1 /user/bin/make” and “ls -1 /user/bin/xcrun” I got back “root wheel 167072 Jan 22 00:42 /usr/bin/make” and “root wheel 166544 Jan 22 00:42 /usr/bin/xcrun” From that I thought I had “make” and “xcrun” but neither of the responses had the “-rwxr-xr-x” before the “1 root—-“ as in your result. Since I am missing the “-rwxr-xr-x”, does that mean I don’t have “make” and “xcrun” installed?
>>>> Again, I appreciate your help and patience and am sorry it is taking so long to understand this.
>>>>> On Feb 10, 2022, at 12:43, John Ralls <jralls at ceridwen.us> wrote:
>>>>> Dennis,
>>>>> I guess you missed the line "making the obvious substitution" right after the Xcode-select line, or the substitution isn't that obvious. Since you did install it as Xcode.app in /Applications, you'd say
>>>>> sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app
>>>>> You can check that it worked with
>>>>> xcode-select -p
>>>>> which should print
>>>>> /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
>>>>> No, /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools exists only if you've installed command line tools by running
>>>>> sudo xcode-select --install
>>>>> which you bailed out of because of the long download time.
>>>>> I dug into /usr/bin/make a bit. It's not make, so it must be an xcrun launcher, which if your Xcode-select path is pointed at the uninstalled command line tools folder would explain the error messages and of course it's finding /usr/bin/make first. I should have recognized that and told you
>>>>> export PATH=“/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin:$PATH"
>>>>> instead. Of course it wouldn't have mattered because of the /Path/to/ substitution misunderstanding.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> John Ralls
>>>>>> On Feb 10, 2022, at 10:51 AM, smada46 at hotmail.com wrote:
>>>>>> John, I ran the “ls -l /usr/bin/make” command for “make” and “xcrun” and got the following which I guess says I have both “make” and “xcrun”.
>>>>>> Last login: Thu Feb 10 07:21:15 on console
>>>>>> dwa1 at dwa1 ~ % -rwxr-xr-x 1 dwa1 at dwa1 ~ % -rwxr-xr-x 1 dwa1 at dwa1 ~ %
>>>>>> ls -l /usr/bin/make
>>>>>> root wheel 167072 Jan 22 00:42 /usr/bin/make
>>>>>> ls -l /usr/bin/xcrun
>>>>>> root wheel 166544 Jan 22 00:42 /usr/bin/xcrun
>>>>>> One of the errors at the end of a previous terminal output for “/Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-check” was:
>>>>>> xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools ), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun
>>>>>> In Finder, I went to /Library/Developer but there was no “Command Line Tools folder. I know you said I wouldn’t see /usr/bin with Finder, but shouldn’t there at least be a Command Line Tools folder under Developer?
>>>>>> Regarding installation. When I installed Xcode, I let it install where it wanted to (Applications) without changing the name. I did what you suggested and ran “sudo xcode-select -s /Path/to Xcode.app” anyway with the following results:
>>>>>> dwa1 at dwa1 ~ % sudo xcode-select -s /Path/to Xcode.app Password:
>>>>>> xcode-select: error: invalid argument 'Xcode.app'
>>>>>> Usage: xcode-select [options]
>>>>>> Print or change the path to the active developer directory. This directory controls which tools are used for the Xcode command line tools (for example, xcodebuild) as well as the BSD development commands (such as cc and make).
>>>>>> Options:
>>>>>> -h, --help
>>>>>> -p, --print-path
>>>>>> -s <path>, --switch <path> --install
>>>>>> developer tools -v, --version -r, --reset
>>>>>> dwa1 at dwa1 ~ %
>>>>>> print this help message and exit
>>>>>> print the path of the active developer directory set the path for the active developer directory open a dialog for installation of the command line
>>>>>> print the xcode-select version
>>>>>> reset to the default command line tools path
>>>>>> I then tried to run “sudo xcode-select -p —print-path Xcode.app” and got the same “error: invalid argument ‘Xcode.app’
>>>>>> I then ran “export PATH=“$PATH:/Path/to/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin" and got a “dquote>” prompt. I then typed in “gnc-fq-update”, “sudo gnc-fq-update’, “run gnc-fq-update” and the full path “/Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-check” sequentially, all with the same result, it just reverted to the “dquote>” prompt. So apparently, I am not doing this correctly.
>>>>>>> On Feb 9, 2022, at 21:51, john <jralls at ceridwen.us> wrote:
>>>>>>> Your dump looks pretty much llke a rerun of the same problem except that now you also have an SSL certificate problem.
>>>>>>> /usr/bin is right where you'd expect it, but you can't see it with Finder, only from the terminal. For example you can type
>>>>>>> ls -l /usr/bin/make
>>>>>>> and if it's there get back something like
>>>>>>> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 167088 Dec 7 15:39 /usr/bin/make*
>>>>>>> Did you install Xcode in /Applications without messing with the name? If not you might try
>>>>>>> sudo xcode-select -s /Path/to Xcode.app
>>>>>>> making the obvious substitution.
>>>>>>> Or, since something seems confused, maybe run that even if you *did* install it in /Applications.
>>>>>>> Since make is in the Xcode bundle you might be able to work around the problem for Finance::Quote with
>>>>>>> export PATH="$PATH:/Path/to/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin"
>>>>>>> and then running gnc-fq-update again.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> John Ralls
>>>>>>>> On Feb 9, 2022, at 8:05 PM, dennis adams <smada46 at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> John, thanks for the response. I believe I have the full XCode (32GB worth) but don’t know for sure since I don’t use it. I only have it because of GC. I hadn’t opened it but did after your response and told it to install the “additional components”. After that, I ran the “gnc-fq-update” command again and got the “You need to install the following Perl modules: Finance::Quote” result when I ran a check, like before. Terminal info is attached. (Note: I changed the GC app name from Gnucash 4.8.app to just Gnucash.app so you will see that change in the sudo command line).
>>>>>>>> You stated that on your mac, “xcrun” and “make”are in the /usr/bin. Not sure where that is but I right clicked the xCode app and then clicked show contents. With this following path: xCode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin I did find “make” but did not find “xcrun”. Is that the correct location where they should be? There are a lot of other xc—— commands but no “xcrun”
>>>>>>>> You stated I could install command-line tools by running “xcode-select —install”. Even though I think I have the full xCode with 32.12 GB, I went ahead and ran the command. Since I am on slow DSL (2.87Mbps) it showed 215 hours remaining to download so I stopped it.
>>>>>>>> Any other thoughts or ways to get “xcrun”?
>>>>>>>>> On Feb 9, 2022, at 18:54, john <jralls at ceridwen.us> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 9, 2022, at 1:36 PM, dennis adams <smada46 at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Upgraded to Monterey (V12.2) and got black screen for GC. Read mailing list and saw where I needed to get GC 4.8 which I did. Installed 4.8 and GC came up and displayed correctly but am now unable to get stock quotes. The Price Database Get Quotes button is greyed out.
>>>>>>>>>> Went to Applications, GC 4.8, Contents, Resources, bin and clicked on gnc-fq-check which said:
>>>>>>>>>> “Last login: Wed Feb 9 13:18:07 on ttys000
>>>>>>>>>> /Applications/Gnucash\ 4.8.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-check ; exit; dwa1 at dwa1 ~ % /Applications/Gnucash\ 4.8.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-check
>>>>>>>>>> ; exit;
>>>>>>>>>> You need to install the following Perl modules: Finance::Quote
>>>>>>>>>> Use your system's package manager to install them, or run 'gnc-fq-update' as root.
>>>>>>>>>> missing-lib
>>>>>>>>>> Saving session...
>>>>>>>>>> ...copying shared history...
>>>>>>>>>> ...saving history...truncating history files... ...completed.
>>>>>>>>>> [Process completed] “
>>>>>>>>>> I had old version of XCode which didn’t work with Monterey so updated to version 13.2.1 and then ran “sudo /Applications/Gnucash\ 4.8.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq- update”. Terminal info from that run is attached, but basically it didn’t work since when I ran the gnc-fq-check again, I got the same message as above.
>>>>>>>>>> I’m well out of my depth with all this and not sure where to go from here. The Terminal information does not really make sense to me but there were several statements like “missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun “ and “the following files are missing in your kit: .travis.yml “ as well as others
>>>>>>>>>> It would seem that if I had all the FQ commands in /Applications/Gnucash\4.8.app/Contents/Resources/bin/ xxx then I have FQ installed but the check says no. Don’t know where to go from here. Any help would be appreciated.
>>>>>>>>> Most of the modules failed to install and it looks like it was because there was no `make` either on the path or in the command-line tools directory. You could install command-line tools by running
>>>>>>>>> xcode-select --install
>>>>>>>>> but that should be superfluous if you've installed the full Xcode. Having installed it have you run it so that it can install it's "additional components"? On my mac xcrun and make are in /usr/bin.
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> John Ralls
>>>>>>>> <Update4 FQ 2-9-22.pdf>
>> <FQ Update2 after CLT Install 2-10-22.pdf>
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