[GNC] MySQL back-end access failed @ MACOS 12 after MySQL server upgrade to 8.0.28

Neko Chang epopen at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 01:16:55 EST 2022

Hi gnucash-user

I had been encounter as subject, can help to resolve?

I have both Gnucash v4.9 in MACOS 12 and Ubuntu 20 and both work fine
@ MySQL 8.0.23
After MySQL upgrade to 8.0.28, Gnucash @ Ubuntu 20 work fine, but
MACOS 12 won't.

Log as below, generate by
/Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/MacOS/Gnucash --debug --extra
--logto stdout
    * 21:32:54 INFO <qof.session> [QofSessionImpl::load_backend] The
provider providers access_method, file, but we're loading for
access_method, mysql. Skipping.
    * 21:32:54 INFO <qof.session> [QofSessionImpl::load_backend] The
provider providers access_method, sqlite3, but we're loading for
access_method, mysql. Skipping.
    * 21:32:54 INFO <qof.session> [QofSessionImpl::load_backend]
Selected provider GnuCash Libdbi (MYSQL) Backend
    * 21:32:54 INFO <gnc.backend.dbi> [error_handler] DBI error: -5:
An invalid name was passed to libdbi
    * 21:32:54 INFO <gnc.backend.dbi> [error_handler] Note:
GbcDbiSqlConnection not yet initialized. Skipping further error
    * 21:32:54 INFO <gnc.backend.dbi> [error_handler] DBI error: 2026:
SSL connection error: unknown error number
    * 21:32:54 INFO <gnc.backend.dbi> [error_handler] Note:
GbcDbiSqlConnection not yet initialized. Skipping further error
    * 21:32:54 ERROR <gnc.backend.dbi>
[GncDbiBackend<DbType::DBI_MYSQL>::session_begin()] Unable to connect
to database 'gnucash'
    * 21:32:54 INFO <qof.session> [QofSessionImpl::begin] Done running
session_begin on backend

Root cause version of libdbi maybe I guess.
Package in Ubuntu 20 = 1.9.0
Bundle in Gnucash = 1.8.? (by Google)

Using package version of libdbi in MACOS possible?
Or work-around/solution/fix at next version?

Thanks very much.
Wei-Jen Chang

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