[GNC] Report question
Tommy Trussell
tommy.trussell at gmail.com
Fri Feb 25 20:08:13 EST 2022
On Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 9:27 AM Paul Kinzelman <paul at kinzelman.com> wrote:
> Do you mean Account Report? But when I go to File | Export, it asks
> me which accounts again, it doesn't export the actual report.
> When I export the transactions I want, it exports both sides of the
> transaction, so the column sum is always zero whereas I want the
> sum of the transactions.
> In other words, each transaction takes two lines, the line I want
> (the expense of what I bought), and the next line which is the
> account that paid it (like a charge card).
> How do I get rid of the double-lines on the export?
We're apparently not seeing the same thing you are.
Here's a way to get an Account Report for your credit card transactions.
(This is using GnuCash 4.9.)
1) Open the account
Accounts tab --> open Liabilities : Credit Cards : BigBankTwo VISA
(yours will differ)
2) Use Filter By to select the transactions you want [while the register is
View --> Filter By (choose parameters such as date, number of days,
reconciled, etc.)
3) Open Account Report [while the filtered register is active]
Reports --> Account Report
4) Adjust the options on the report
Edit --> Report Options
(here you can adjust specific columns, single or double amount columns,
totals or running total, style, report name, etc.)
5) Export the report
You can copy what's on your screen and paste it into a word processor
or spreadsheet
File --> Export --> Export Report (give it a name -- it will save an
.html file you can open with a web browser or a spreadsheet program)
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