[GNC] GNUCash 4.9

Steve Mortimer noahsark0852 at att.net
Mon Jan 3 14:26:26 EST 2022

Using the File Explorer and moving the files to a GNUcash folder did the 
Thanks for every ones help.

> Glenn Fowler <mailto:gfowler1 at outlook.com>
> Monday, January 3, 2022 1:12 PM
> Just use File Explorer and move it to the folder you prefer and then 
> open from new location with File > Open in GnuCash
> Steve Mortimer <mailto:noahsark0852 at att.net>
> Monday, January 3, 2022 12:59 PM
> How do I get the main program to save other than to the desktop?
> Steve
> Dan Black <mailto:dblack2001 at outlook.com>
> Monday, January 3, 2022 12:21 PM
> You seem to be saving your main file on the desktop, which is not a 
> good practice. The program will save a backup and a log file in the 
> folder where the main file is located. In your email, you show the log 
> file and lock file. The lock file should be deleted when you close the 
> program.
> Dan
> On January 3, 2022 12:51:15 PM Steve Mortimer <noahsark0852 at att.net> 
> wrote:
> Steve Mortimer <mailto:noahsark0852 at att.net>
> Monday, January 3, 2022 11:50 AM
> I have been running Gnucash on this computer, Win10, for sometime now 
> and have been having the same problem all along.  I have upgraded to 
> version 4.9.  When I close the program there are two files that are 
> not removed from the desktop and I have to go and delete the 
> manually.  If I do not delete them manually after each time I close 
> the program the program just keeps adding more of the same files to 
> the desktop.
> The files are:
> 1223GNUCASH.gnucash.20...0103063517.gnucash.LCK
> 1223GNUCASH.gnucash.201...cash.20220103114501.log
> What do I need to do so these files are deleted every time the program 
> is closed?
> Regards,
> Steve Mortimer
> 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (ESV)
> All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for 
> reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness that the 
> man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work

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