[GNC] Single mutual fund held in multiple accounts in gnucash

Kalpesh Patel kalpesh.patel at usa.net
Sun Jan 9 11:42:58 EST 2022

Dave -


I have set it up to what Will has shown except that I have one additional
level of hierarchy where I differentiate between brokerage account
(wholesale marts) versus mutual funds (original mutual fund issuers) and
then use the lowest level parent of it as the "cash" account. The "cash"
account in this fashion helps me to keep track of exact pricing of the
purchase where your bank withdrawals may lag in reporting and facilitates
other things related to scheduling up for automatic investment plans. The
"cash" account acts as the account where my money get transferred in and out
of, buy/sell in the individual commodity underneath it and it should stay
zero if you don't hold any cash. Under top level Investments, my hierarchy
looks like this:


Brokerage Account 

Brokerage Manager A (e.g. Fidelity, Vanguard, other)

                                Brokerage A - Traditional (acts as a "cash"

                                                Stock 1 (e.g. GDS)

                                                Stock 2 (e.g. RIVN)

                                Brokerage A  - IRA (acts as a "cash"

                                                Stock 1 

                                                Stock 3 (e.g. TSLA)

Mutual Fund Account 

Fund Manager A (e.g. Janus, other)

                                Fund Manager A - Traditional  (acts as a
"cash" account)

                                                Index fund 1 (e.g. VFIAX)

                                                Index fund 3 (e.g. VGRLX)

                                Fund Manager A - IRA  (acts as a "cash"

                                                Index fund 2 (e.g. VFWAX)

                                                Index fund 3



Also keep in mind that you can always edit the child account and re-parent
it somewhere else so your entries do not need to be deleted and recreated
all over again. It can also be done after the fact of creating account that
holds all your transactions and then creating additional "parent" accounts
so you can always "experiment" to see whether the Account View layout and
reports meets your need or not. 


Hope this helps.

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