[GNC] Vanguard OFX Access

Matt Corallo gculuvs at mattcorallo.com
Thu Jan 20 18:04:26 EST 2022


I'm trying to do an OFX/Quicken DirectConnect connection to Vanguard from GNUCash. Per a recent 
discussion on GitHub[1] for this to work, login has to happen via a URL, which then points to a 
different URL for transaction and account requests. In order for the second request to work, the 
poster there claims it has to come with a cookie which was returned from the first request.

 From what I can tell, there is no way to get GNUCash to make the first request, take the cookie, 
and feed it into the second. Am I missing something or is this a missing feature (or a bug?).

I asked on the AQBanking list, but that forum seems to be substantially less active and less maintained.


[1] https://github.com/csingley/ofxtools/issues/94#issuecomment-729254952

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