[GNC] Keeping tenant accounts on Gnucash - periodic 'rent owing' ?

arthur brogard abrogard at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 4 18:44:13 EST 2022

No. Sorry. Didn't put the question right.  I mean automatic post to the account showing what's owing so that I can see (and print out) at any time (on week by week steps) the balance of the account at that date.
Because in fact they're frequently in the red.
And frequently in front, ironically, because they never match payments up with owings.  So when they come from behind they may finish up with balance of an amount like maybe $27.50 ,  not enough for a week's rent but nevertheless by law I must consider it rental money.
I guess if we credit their account with the monies they pay in then I'd be talking about an automatic debit of the rent amount each week.
Would that be right?  Save me the trouble of entering it on the due date every week.
Or am I going about it all wrong?


    On Saturday, 5 March 2022, 08:28:56 am ACDT, Derek Atkins <derek at ihtfp.com> wrote:  

On Fri, March 4, 2022 4:46 pm, arthur brogard via gnucash-user wrote:
> We intend to start using gnucash to keep an account of our rental
> property.
> This is our first for everything: having a rental, keeping accounts, using
> gnucash.
> We can open an account for the property and enter all amounts received as
> we get them.
> We can open another for other expenses such as water, I guess.
> Can we somehow set it up so that the rent due every week is posted to that
> rent account automatically?

Sure, you can set up a scheduled transaction to record it, but that of
course assumes that the rent check DOES come every week...

> :)

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      Derek Atkins                617-623-3745
      derek at ihtfp.com            www.ihtfp.com
      Computer and Internet Security Consultant


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