[GNC] Customizing invoices (Helmut Eller

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Tue Mar 29 13:33:04 EDT 2022

David, it seems the list-thread is broken, so for completeness, I'm 
posting there that I filed bug: 
https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=798493 on this issue.

This also happens for the Unit Price column.

The report should simply print the data from the invoice unchanged.


On 3/28/22 7:31 PM, David Long wrote:
> I have same problem as Helmut who wants to display more than 2 decimal
> places in the quantity field of an invoice. My case is if I want to charge
> say 7 months of an annual subscription then my quantity is 7 12ths so 3
> decimal places would be better.
> My only workaround was to add it in the description.

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