[GNC] Can I export a list of vendors and customers?

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Sat Nov 19 19:17:45 EST 2022


There is only a Customer Summary (no Vendor Summary) and at best, that 
can get you a list if you also select in Options > Display > Show 
Inactive. But I'm not sure it will include Customers with no invoice or 
payment history at all. (all of mine have history)

You might be thinking of Business > Customer/Vendor > Customers/Vendors 

But unfortunately it is impossible to select any of the text on those 
tabs for copy/paste.


On 11/19/22 4:56 PM, Chris Good wrote:
> I’m not at my PC now but you can run the (from memory) Customer Summary or Vendor Summary reports, then (like all GnuCash reports), use control-A to select all the data, then paste into a spreadsheet.

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