[GNC] Find not working in Gnucash for Windows 5.0

Tute Terner tuteterner at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 06:57:06 EDT 2023

On 2023-04-05 07:18, Tute Terner wrote:
>/When I search in the Find dialog box using the Description field, />/everything works. But when I search by the Memo field or the />/'Description, Notes or Memo' field or the Action field the Search />/Results always turn out empty, even though the search string is present />/in the Memo or Action fields of some transactions.  I am using Gnucash />/5.0 for Windows, but I have noticed this in some previous versions too. />/Am I doing something incorrect or is this a bug. I don't see that />/anybody has mentioned this behaviour in the mailing list or in the bug />/list. Thank you. /

The specific search instance I had is this. I have a Gnucash file with 
accounts X, Y, and Z. X and Y have split Memo fields containing the 
search string 'paid'. I display account register X and search for 'paid' 
in the Memo field. Zero results. I then go to 'List of accounts' tree 
tab and search the same, using 'New Search' every time. I get results 
from both X and Y. So this works, but I don't want the result from Y.

So again I search from the accounts tree tab adding the 'and' condition 
of Account and set it to X. Again 0 results. I display account register 
Y and run the search on Memo field only. Again 0 results.

To make doubly sure I created a dummy gnucash file with accounts X, Y 
and Z as above. Same results. So looks like a bug to me.

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