[GNC] Reports don't open after some activity in 5.0

paul at kroitor.ca paul at kroitor.ca
Sat Apr 8 13:02:23 EDT 2023

Using 5.0 I have at least thrice encountered an issue in which some (perhaps many) reports don't operate. The menu and submenus open, but selecting an actual report is essentially a no-op: nothing happens. Not all reports fail to open, but the one I've been using as a test case is the Transaction Report due to its simplicity.

This only seems to happen after some fairly complex interactions in the file, such as downloading OFX files, reconciling, opening other reports, and navigating within / editing registers. Simply closing Gnucash and reopening resolves the issue. I haven't yet been able to identify which specific prior action is "breaking" the report open logic, but it's happened in at least two sets of books here, so it doesn't seem to be a data file issue.

There's not enough info yet to make a bug report, but I will do so as soon as I can nail down more specific "steps to recreate".

I'm on windows 10, fully updated, running Gnucash 5.0. Perhaps others have encountered this? Is there a log anywhere that might show how far into the report creation sequence it's getting before it dies?


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