[GNC] Unable to enter data in "Description" field of a Transaction

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Wed Aug 2 12:00:22 EDT 2023

So no more freezing? That is indeed strange.

Good to know it wasn't a problem with the search then.


On 8/2/23 1:52 AM, G R Hewitt wrote:
> Good point.
> I trawled through my transactions and have plenty of 'non', 'stores',
> 'services' etc., so typed those to see how far they'd go.
> They were fine, no freezing.
> I've since created new transactions with 'test', 'Test', 'Test, test,
> test', restarted the program and everything works just fine.
> In my case it may have been 'just one of those things' and has now cleared.
> But then again ... {cue X-Files theme}.

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