[GNC] Upgrade to 3.11: question

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Fri Aug 4 12:24:27 EDT 2023

On 8/4/23 10:49 AM, Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.21) wrote:
> When I ran GC 3.11 it opened the last-used file, but:
> * There's only an Accounts tab, not any of the other tabs I previously
> had open.
> * The Accounts tab has forgotten my chosen columns.
> * The accounts tree is collapsed to Assets, Expenses, Income,
> Liabilities, Net Worth, though the accounts are there if I click the
> triangles.

I vaguely recall seeing a thread or two on -user about this. I don't 
think anything is wrong, you just have to reset your columns and reset 
your expanded accounts. See below about file migrations.

> * All of my saved report configurations are gone.
3.x changed the file name of the saved reports. I thought the migration 
had been fixed as of 3.11, but some folks did have some issues.

If I recall correctly, find the file in your GNC_DATA_HOME directory 
labeled saved-reports-2.6 and rename it to saved-reports-2.8 (this was 
supposed to be the next major version after 2.6 before the version 
scheme was changed, and the devs have left the 'saved-reports-x.y' file 
at 2.8 ever since.)

Since you are embarking on a migration of several versions, it would be 
a good idea to familiarize yourself with the following Wiki on file 


and this handy diagram:


and note the differences between 2.6.x and 3.x+

After migrating the relevant files from the 2.6.x locations to the new 
locations and names that didn't get migrated automatically, you may find 
everything is as you expect.

> I did check, and there was no %APPDATA%\GnuCash folder on the 2.6.21
> machine before I cloned it. The 3.11 installer, or the application,
> created %APPDATA%\GnuCash containing:
> subfolder books (containing a 2 KB .gcm file)
> subfolder checks (empty)
> subfolder translog (empty)
> accelerator-map, 20 KB
> expressions-2.0, 0 bytes
> stylesheets-2.0, 2 KB

There *should* have been an %APPDATA%/GnuCash folder.

 From your list, it is not surprising that saved reports are missing, as 
the file is as well, even with the old name.

If that 2.6.21 VM never had it, you should be able to copy it from 
whatever other working 2.6.x version you have.


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