[GNC] About auto-completion

Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) stan+gc at fastmail.fm
Mon Aug 14 15:52:06 EDT 2023

I know there's been a lot of controversy about auto-completion in GC
5.x. I'm waiting for 5.4 to finish my upgrade, but have been using 4.14
for a week or so now. One thing I just noticed is that, on the accounts
tab, when I type the first few letters of an account name it now matches
the first account name that _contains_ those letters, not necessarily at
the beginning as in GC 2.x.

Personally, I prefer matches to be done only at the start of account
names, not in the middle. But I'm sure here are others who prefer them
in the middle (which re4ally means matching anywhere).

I wonder if it could make sense to have an option for matching account
names at the beginning or anywhere, and a similar option the same for
matching to descriptions when auto-filling transactions. That would
please the maximum number of people, if it's not too difficult to implement.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

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