[GNC] Issues with gnucash files

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Sun Aug 27 19:14:09 EDT 2023


On 8/27/23 12:49 PM, Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user wrote:

> OK,I have an app called CaptureWiz but it doesn't save as gps

"gps" as a file format was never requested. I don't know why you think 
it was. Why did you even comment on this fact, who told you that was the 
necessary format? (where did you get that idea?)

Note, you *do not* need a screenshot app, though some of them do offer 
extra abilities.

At a very basic level, Windows OS has supported the PrtSc key on your 
keyboard for 30+years. If you hit that key, a screenshot of your current 
viewport will be saved somewhere. In the past it was a BMP format to the 
clipboard, but I've heard modern versions save a PNG to a folder. You 
NEED to do a tad bit of homework to learn how this works. Of course, if 
you already know how to use CaptureWiz, that is fine. I'm sure its 
formats are compatible with this list.


> Here goes with an attachment - recent files in tax accounts and returns, 
>> as I said, not used as gnucash data from loading, recently, but seem to 
>> have recently saved files. Further mystery.

Not a mystery. You clearly are not paying attention to where you are 
saving your files or where you are accessing them from. (once you told 
us it was 'tax accounts and returns' under the 'Barry Mahon' user and 
other times you told us it was under the 'Documents' under the 
'admistrato' user)

We can help you to a point, but the end result relies on you. You 
absolutely *must* get it straight in your mind where your files are 
stored. We can help you sort that out, especially now that you've 
figured out attachments.

I have REPEATEDLY stated not to try to send your actual files to us. 
Those won't do any/much good.

Yet, that is what you just did. And in this case, you sent a log file, 
which is effectively useless to us. (you also sent everyone on this list 
an actual copy of your GnuCash file — 2 of them in fact — that is all of 
your personal financial activity! No one ever requested this, I still 
don't know why you keep insisting you need to send it. It does us no 
good with regards to trying to help you.)

I'll congratulate you that you did in fact this time manage to send an 
attachment, even if it wasn't what was requested.

Now you know how to do it properly.

> My question now is can I and how do I move over to adminstrato?

NO! NO! NO! Do *not* move them over to the user 'adminstrato'! You need 
to take the files that are stored in the 'adminsistrato' tree and move 
them to the 'Barry Mahon' user — opposite of what you are thinking. And 
I have no idea why you'd think otherwise. No one has suggested what you 
are referencing. (that I recall)

> The attached files have no 'save' icon live, so, if I enter some data 
>> will I have the same issue with saving? and what can be done? They are 
>> in calendar terms quite recent so I would like to continue from where I 
>> "left off" if possible.

What in the world are you talking about? No, log files (I didn't know 
you could open them with GnuCash) are unlikely to show an active 'save' 
icon. Why would you remotely think so? They are LOG files. They 'log' 
activity (and maybe) errors with activity. (I think errors go to the 
Tracefile, but that is another topic) And if you tried to 'save' the 
attached 'gnucash' files and they didn't save, or were greyed out, that 
makes sense if you were logged in as 'Barry Mahon' but these files were 
'owned' by 'administrato'.

STOP trying to open files and save them. STOP. If that is what you keep 
doing, you are seriously making a MESS.

I advised you weeks ago to slow down. I repeat that advice.


Do *NOT* just 'Do Something'. That is a terrible approach if you don't 
know exactly what it is you are doing.

The next request is to send a screenshot, while viewing the Windows 
Explorer, when viewing the folder where your Gnucash file resides.

Does that sound complicated? If so, say so, and myself or someone else 
will simplify this process.


p.s — Barry, I know some of the above sentences may seem harsh. I'm 
doing my best to help you as is everyone else here. You *really* have to 
meet myself and everyone else here at least half-way. You've made a big 
stride in attaching an image vs. copy/pasting one. Keep that momentum up 
and we'll have you solving your conundrum in a jiffy. But you have to 
keep that momentum up...

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