[GNC] Fwd: Gnucash

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Mon Aug 28 06:34:50 EDT 2023

On 8/28/23 3:40 AM, Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user wrote:
> OK, as I answered earlier on this thread, today, I use Thunderbird as my 
> email software. I use it as a specific application.

Sorry, I must have missed that message.

Since you use Thunderbird, there is a clear 'Attach' button in the top 
right of every compose window with a preceding paperclip icon. Use that 
to attach screenshots. Do NOT copy/paste images into a reply. They will 
be removed and no one will see them. ONLY use the 'Attach' button.

> BTW my issues with sending attachments starts with file manage and 
> specifically with gnu files, don't know why.

No one here has asked you to attach any gnucash files that I recall. 
We've only been requesting screenshots, which are images.

I don't know why you keep thinking you need to send us your personal 
data files. You do not need to do so.


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