[GNC] csv of invoice data

Morgan Read mstuff at read.org.nz
Mon Aug 28 11:23:25 EDT 2023

Hi again :)

In addition to wanting to deal with some old invoices, I'm also wanting 
to generate a csv of invoice data.  There's this post a few years back, 
but I feel there must be better.  I've discovered the page on 
'ledger-cli': https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Ledger-CLI - which seems 
complicated (perhaps not) but, I'm using a sqlite as a back-end anyway.

It says here:
That bad things will happen if accessing the GnuCash data outside of 
GnuCash - but, one of the reasons for switching to sqlite a while back 
was accessing the db to pull things out - and no harm can be done if the 
db is accessed read-only, can it?  Further down the page there's some 
links to export invoice data under 'Export invoices' - the GIP invoice 
printer says something about a csv template:

I've set up access to the db via unixodbc and from there opened it in LO 
Base - but having got there, I got to wondering if there's an easier way 
to get a csv of invoice data?

Morgan Read

Grande Bretagne
Em: <email:mstuffATreadDOTorgDOTnz>
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