[GNC] Upgrading to 5.3 from 2.6.15

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Mon Dec 4 22:35:21 EST 2023

If you clicked the link for the bug and read it, you should see 
discussion on it.

If you want to file a bug, or comment on this one, you need an account 
on that site.

If I'm not mistaken, I'm derelict on getting back with a screenshot 
showing the problem. I hope to get that up to speed this week. (among 
other bugs I filed that need more info)

Check the General tab. The last 2 options toggle collapsed periods. 
(before & after)


On 12/4/23 9:27 PM, larry johnston wrote:
> Hi,
> I finally got back to this as I try to prepare for my year end.
> As you report in your Bug Report 799046 it does not seem possible to
> display a single period in the Budget Report using the Use Accumulated
> Totals feature, which is quite frustrating.
> I have only upgraded to ver 4.14 and in that version I do not see a
> 'Include Collapsed Periods' option so I was not able to replicate your
> work, but my reports also include periods that are uncollapsed.
> I am not sure how Bug Reports work, so I was unable to see if there was any
> updates on this Bug. What do I log into and how do I log in.

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