[GNC] Discount / Coupon question - How to apply?

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Sat Dec 30 22:31:35 EST 2023


Create a manual transaction between the desired expense account and 
Accounts Receivable. (Debit the Expense, Credit AR)

Then right click the transaction after committing it, and choose 'Assign 
as Payment'.

In the Process Payment window, select the invoice you want to apply this 
to and any other relevant info, then commit the payment.


On 12/30/23 6:16 PM, Alan Johnson via gnucash-user wrote:
> I have a customer that I have created an invoice for.
> How do I create a coupon/discount to pay for the invoice and charge it
> to a marketing expense? I tried to choose the expense account but it
> will only allow me to use income or liability accounts.

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