[GNC] Reconciliation error - how should I correct?

edodd at billiau.net edodd at billiau.net
Wed Feb 1 01:36:15 EST 2023

On Tue, 31 Jan 2023 12:13:52 -0600
R Losey <rlosey at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks; I used to work in a bank, and I thought there was a policy
> such as you described... however, I did check with the bank, and they
> indicated that they would honor the check regardless of how old it
> was.  They seem to be angling for me to pay them $$$ to stop payment
> on the check, which I'm refusing to do.

Different jurisdictions, different rules
In AU, there is a time of 15 months and after that the cheque is stale.
It used to be 12, but back in the olden days when people used cheques,
there would always be havoc at the beginning of new year when people
wrote the old year instead.

Cheque usage in AU, 2019

For the bored, the legislation is the Cheques Act, 1986


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