[GNC] Huge number of missing transactions

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Sun Feb 5 10:42:11 EST 2023

On 2/5/2023 4:26 AM, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> I'll briefly chime in here to suggest that network issues and potential simultaneous access are more likely culprits for your data corruption and loss.
I will second that. Gnucash does NOT support multiple simultaneous 
users. It does support multiple sequential users but if used that way 
the message "could not obtain lock" has to be treated very seriously. A 
single user can override this and proceed anyway, but if there is ANY 
chance a different user is accessing the data cannot do that.

For a program to support multiple simultaneous users it must be running 
UNDER the control of a DBM (database manager) program. In which case the 
simultaneous users might not even be using the same program to access 
the database (as long as all such programs are running under the control 
of the DBM). Back in my working days maintained apps running under DB2 
(a DBM for mainframe SQL).

So in a case like this, multiple users and the data on a network drive, 
that is overwhelmingly likely the problem. Unless you can definitely 
rule out simultaneous access issues, look no farther. No point in trying 
to analyze the details of what happened to the data because the 
consequences of simultaneous access are unpredictable.

Michael D Novack

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