[GNC] Saved Report Configurations

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Mon Feb 13 17:41:46 EST 2023

On 2/13/2023 5:00 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
> Maybe we are discussing a completely different use-case, but the vast
> majority of my Saved Report configurations use the "Previous Month" or
> "Previous Year" date options. That way when I open the report, it's already
> showing the previous month or year's data automatically.

This is perhaps a difference in thinking about how many "versions" I 
would be expecting to keep. I would be keeping for at least 7 years so 
to me is not a matter of the report run now but can I reproduce say the 
Balance Sheet for 3rd quarter five years ago. And to be SURE I had the 
right one << note; It is NOT in general possible to recreate such a 
report within gnucash.NOT just a matter of setting the run date 
correctly. The CoA may have changed between when that report had been 
run and now >>

Michael D Novack

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