[GNC] Feature Request

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Wed Feb 15 14:14:06 EST 2023


First, when you want to start a new topic on the list, just send a new 
e-mail to the list address rather than replying to an existing message.

Even though you changed the subject, it can get threaded as a reply to 
that previous message, and may get 'lost' in the shuffle, or at least 
make the original (and your thread) harder to follow.


Second, the place for Requests for Enhancements (RFEs) is 
bugs.gnucash.org. In this case, you'd file it in the Reports section. It 
gets filed as a 'bug', but putting 'RFE' (no quotes) at the beginning of 
your subject will highlight it as such for the developers. (I think 
there is also an option in the 'severity' drop-down for 'enhancement')


Third, with respect to your actual request, what do you mean by 
"Unrecognized account"?

While there is no way to highlight or annotate/mark certain parts of 
reports built-in at this time, the idea is intriguing. Until it gets 
implemented, you can export or copy/paste to a spreadsheet app and 
manipulate from there if needed.

If you're into scripting, the exported reports are just HTML tables, so 
you can manipulate them with CSS for presentation effects.


On 2/15/23 7:47 AM, Dr. Gideon Fell wrote:
>      Hope this is the right place for this request. I would like to have 
> UNRECONSIlED  account somehow highlighted in the Account Summary report. 
> This could be by color or an asterix when run. With the site down I 
> don't know if this has been asked for or if a later manual/guide/help 
> document addresses this.
> Ron B.

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