[GNC] View/Filter by & Edit/Find

john jralls at ceridwen.us
Thu Feb 16 13:06:07 EST 2023

> On Feb 16, 2023, at 9:21 AM, Gyle McCollam <gmccollam at live.com> wrote:
> When entering a new transaction in an account the auto complete works even if the transaction is older than the limit set in "View/Filter by", which is great and how I think it should work.  However, when you do an "Edit/Find", it only finds transactions within the date range of View/Filter by.  I think both the Auto Complete and Find should work the same way.
> Since they don't, I had to change the View /Filter by from the 90 days I had set on the account to All, but I didn't save the filter because I wanted it to go back to the 90 days when I finished.  I really don't think i should have had to change it all.  Anyway, this brought another problem to my attention.  How do you get the view back to 90 days without setting the "Filter by" again.  I tried closing and reopening the account, that didn't work.  So, I tried closing Gnu Cash and reopening, that didn't work either.  It appears that even though I didn't "save" the filter it saved it anyway.
> It would be best if we didn't have to change the filter just to do a find.  Is this a bug or bugs that should be reported when the Gnu Cash website comes back up?

All of the devops stuff, including the bug tracker, wiki, git repos, and nightly builds, is at Derek's house in Atlanta; it's only the website at www.gnucash.org <http://www.gnucash.org/> that's at Linas's house in Austin and that's what's down (along with Linas's personal domain linas.org <http://linas.org/>).

John Ralls

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