[GNC] importing

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Sat Feb 18 22:29:43 EST 2023


You may be 'stuck' with having to just manually check those off during 
reconciliation this one time. They are already in your books, so the 
import failure is just a matter of auto-clearing them. It only takes a 
few seconds to either click them as cleared before reconciling or 
clicking them as cleared during a reconciliation process which will in 
either case, set them to 'y' when done.


On 2/16/23 5:53 PM, Gyle McCollam wrote:
> I ran into a unique problem with a credit card import.  I was buying gas at a station using a mastercard.  The transaction was on my credit card as pending, but would disappear and not be on my bill.  This went on for 6 months, but they finally corrected the problem and billed me for the 6 months of gas this month.  However, when I imported the file it said there were no matching transactions.  I used preferences to change the import parameters, but I could not change the dates to allow for transactions that old.  I could set the proper expense account, but that would double up on the transaction.  Is there a way to click or double click on the import matcher and manually select the matching transaction?

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