[GNC] Crash on account delete

Bob Brush bobbrush3 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 00:36:28 EST 2023

My best memory is to make sure the backend is installed and save as, I don’t think it’ll let you unless it’s working.

Sometimes a crash can be hard to pin down, the worst we ever had was pressing the caps lock, that’s not even a button we use,  but it occasionally is pressed accidentally.  Our solution was to disable the button, not sure why or how it would crash gnucash, or even if it was a Linux issue or a gnucash issue, but we thought it was so many things before we figured it out.  Using the database was a lifesaver, even with a short save interval too much data can get lost.


> On Jan 1, 2023, at 8:01 PM, Xe Roy <xeroy at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks.
> I'll go with MySQL.
> Is there anything I need to do to force GnuCash to use MySQL other than simply do a SAVE AS to MySQL?
> Sent from Outlook<http://aka.ms/weboutlook>
> ________________________________
> From: gnucash-user <gnucash-user-bounces+xeroy=hotmail.com at gnucash.org> on behalf of Adrien Monteleone <adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net>
> Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2023 3:50 PM
> To: gnucash-user at lists.gnucash.org <gnucash-user at lists.gnucash.org>
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Crash on account delete
>> On 1/1/23 6:36 PM, Xe Roy wrote:
>> I have the latest version 4.13 downloaded yesterday running on Windows 11 on AMD Ryzen 9 5950x.
> Thanks for the clarification, and good to know you are up to date.
>> I can't remember if the account I was trying to delete was the placeholder or the subaccount.
> That makes it harder to try to duplicate, and it might be important, but
> 'til then...
>> There were no transactions in the account or the subaccount.
> Good to know. There otherwise shouldn't have been a loss of data, except...
>> When I re-ran GnuCash I got the UNABLE TO OBTAIN LOCK error.
>> The only option that worked was to ignore the error.
> Usually the case after a crash, nothing out of the ordinary here,
>> The lost transactions were in other accounts.
>> I assume that when the program crashed, I lost everything since the last automatic save.
> Highly likely.
> Investigate your auto-save interval in the meantime. Maybe a shorter one
> will help, or else:
> Make a copy of your file and do some tests.
> Recreate the accounts you desired to delete.
> Do a manual save.
> Delete the desired account(s)
> What happens?
> If you reproduce the crash, that's technically a good thing, because
> you've not only identified a problem, you can reproduce it so the
> developers can too, and most likely fix it. (the hard to reproduce stuff
> is the most difficult to fix, because it can be nearly impossible to
> figure out what the cause)
> If all goes as expected, then I'd chalk it up to something weird. Not
> necessarily 'not a bug' but not quite yet identifiable.
> -----
> Here's where one of the benefits of the various SQL backends kicks in,
> as David H. mentioned : instant auto-save.
> If you get a crash using one of them, you *may* only loose data pending
> to be saved, not other transactions already committed. With the XML
> format, you'll lose anything within the time window of your auto-save
> preference.
> Regards,
> Adrien
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