[GNC] Fields present in invoices?

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Tue Jan 3 15:22:46 EST 2023

I don't think they end up in the same place. I also checked the archive 
and the message was not there. I only saw it because you also happened 
to copy me personally.

gnucash-user at gnucash.org works

gnucash-user at lists.gnucash.org did not go through.


On 1/3/23 11:47 AM, Simon Roberts wrote:
> As a side question, Adrien, you commented that one of my replies had been
> delayed. I notice there seem to be two distinct (although similar) email
> addresses for the list:  gnucash-user at gnucash.org and
> gnucash-user at lists.gnucash.org. Evidently they end up in the same place,
> but is one or other preferred?

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