[GNC] Are accountants happy with CVS exports?

R. Victor Klassen rvklassen at gmail.com
Wed Jan 4 17:29:51 EST 2023

I generally export a transaction report with all (relevant) accounts selected.  I generally do a select-all from the open report window and then paste it into OpenOffice/LibreOffice Calc. 

That I can sort on any key I like - normally date within (sub)account, and run subtotals and look for anomalies.

If I find any I fix them and then re-export.

There may well be a pass to and from .csv after it’s pasted into the spreadsheet.

> On Jan 2, 2023, at 4:30 PM, Dr. David Kirkby <drkirkby at kirkbymicrowave.co.uk> wrote:
> It would be nice if one could export all the expenses without the dates
> being in a random order. The only way I can find to get dates in a
> chronological order is to export every single account separately, so there
> are no sub accounts. I thought about trying to write some code that would
> allow all the expenses to be exported in one file in chronological order.
> That’s not an impossible task, but would take me quite a bit of coding. If
> I did it, I would just create something that’s command line driven, using
> as many as the unix tools as possible to cut down the work. It might be
> possible to just make a fairly complex shell script.

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