[GNC] Register column sizing

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Fri Jan 6 08:57:46 EST 2023

On 1/6/2023 12:46 AM, David Carlson wrote:
> I feel that the register column sizing is complicated by the fact that the
> register  view is constrained by the requirement that the data input window
> has to appear to blend in to the rest of the register view.  If the data
> input area was separated from the register view each of the areas could be
> optimized for it's respective purpose.
This is essentially an artifact of being able to enter transactions in 
"register view" rather than in "journal view".

In the traditional journal entry (old days) there would be a header line 
with date (and check number in case a payment). Then indicated by a 
specified indentation a line for each debit account, then at a further 
indentation, a line for each credit account, then at a still further 
indentation, as many lines as wanted for the description. In other 
words, the indication that a debit account line, a credit account line, 
or description line indicated by the amount of indentation. This imposed 
no size limit on description. Now a bookkeeping app COULD have been 
coded to mirror that (and then when the transaction complete, auto-post 
to the ledger)

But people would miss the shortcut of being able to enter directly into 
the ledger as >90% of transactions only affecting two accounts and not 
having long descriptions.

Michael D Novack

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