[GNC] Is a screwed-up style sheet hiding somewhere?

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Sat Jan 7 17:33:45 EST 2023

On 1/7/23 8:29 AM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> It’s difficult for me to comprehend why that fancy template in that form
> should exist at all. I don’t think anyone could consider it sane. I
> reported it a bug
> https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=798717
> and see it has been closed with a note that it will be fixed in the next
> release.

Yep, saw the fix.

> I thought that “Reset Defaults” in that part of the software would have
> reset the default invoice to be the default one.

It does, but perhaps the wording somewhere could be improved.

There isn't as far as I can tell, any way to reset all Preferences 
either by tab, or entirely. The Book Properties though, does have this 
option, by tab. (It did not escape me that these are two different 
dialogs and it appears one of them, offers by default, a 'Reset 
Defaults' button that the dialog used by Preferences, does not have, 
either by design, or as an oversight.)

The place where you see 'Reset Defaults' is in the report Options 
dialog. There's a button on each tab to do so. (for that tab only)

But if you set a different 'default' report template in Preferences, 
that is fixed until you change it. (two different dialogs)

Note, the preference doesn't set a default 'stylesheet' it sets a 
default 'template' which uses *as its default* its own built-in styles. 
(not editable easily)

When you are in Report Options, that is for that particular template.

If you were to set the default template to 'Fancy' run an Invoice 
Report, change the stylesheet in Options > General to 'Easy', then click 
'Reset Defaults', the stylesheet would be reset back to 'dafault' which 
uses the built-in styles of the Fancy template.

At least, GnuCash does show you which template you are using. It's the 
name of the tab for the invoice report, unless you rename it later. And 
since it is the name of the tab, that also appears in the window's title 
bar. (for the main app if using tabs, or the report window if using 
separate windows)

> Thank you. I had created an invoice with my company logo, which I would
> have liked to use as a default. I will recreate that now, tweak it a bit as
> I am not 100% satisfied, then save that as a default. (I was a bit
> surprised that setting the width of the banner to 1” was about optimal. The
> manual says one will have to experiment, but suggests 6” x 1” to be
> reasonable. Clearly 6” wide is very different to 1” wide)

Sounds like another bug, but perhaps just a labeling issue, not a 
functional one. I don't even see that option though. I see places to set 
images, but other than general location, I don't see a place to set 
size. (or do you have to do that outside of GnuCash?)

> Thank you for the suggestion. I would much prefer to be using a Linux
> computer myself. Unfortunately the Linux computer is in my lab, which is
> detached from the house. In order to use that computer I would need to run
> the air conditioning to keep the room temperature comfortable, then use a
> power hungry computer to use some software that uses very little CPU power
> or memory. I think I should invest in a more general purpose computer. It
> is very rare for me to need several hundred of GB of RAM.

Do you have network access to that machine from inside the house by 
chance? You could use VNC or RDP to remote view the Linux desktop from 
Windows. (and if you need to get fancy, set up a VM or LXD container on 
the Linux box just for GnuCash) There are even ways you can make it 
appear seamless that you are accessing a single app rather than the 
whole desktop. (it's also possible to serve that single app, but I've 
not played with such)


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