[GNC] how to create monthly revenue and expense report for just one year

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Wed Jan 25 23:46:49 EST 2023

There is also:

Reports > Experimental > Income Statement (Multicolumn)

*this will be moved out of 'Experimental' for version 5.0 and into the 
regular reports menus. (I think it doesn't handle multi-currency very 
well, yet...)

In the report Options > General tab, set Period Duration to 'One Month' 
then decide on the ordering option and if you want a total column. 
(note, the 2-column option is disabled, as is the option to disable 
indenting, as that is automatic with a multi-period report)

Also set your start and end dates to be the beginning and end of last 
year. (either using an absolute date, or the descriptive drop downs)

That will get you a consolidated Monthly P&L with an optional YTD P&L 
all in the same report.

Play with this as you need, to get Quarterly, or other types of 
reporting periods and breakdowns.


On 1/25/23 3:39 PM, Eric Hammond wrote:
> Hi Murugan,
> That gives me what I need, and a better idea of how to navigate GnuCash reports in general.
> I think some of my difficulty is that I have lived in a Microsoft world too long ....

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