[GNC] How do I Upgrade from 2.6.12 to v4?

Martin Taylor martin at martintaylor.nz
Tue Jan 31 15:48:26 EST 2023


I’m a not very technical user whose been successfully running 2.6.12 on my dying PC for about 8 years (since the imminent demise of MS Money!).

I’m looking at migrating from PC to a Mac laptop and found that in the meantime that several newer versions of GnuCash have been released.

I’m assuming that it would be smart to upgrade before I migrate to the new platform.

Within 2.6.12 I can’t find where or how to upgrade to a new version.  My guess is that I simply download the latest version 4 for PC and then export accounts and transactions from 2.6 and import them into 4. Am I on the right track?

Having got that done, I would then imagine that I download the equivalent version 4 for Mac to my laptop and again export and import the data.

Fingers crossed that I’m sending this to the correct user forum and that someone can provide me with some advice


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