[GNC] Transferring mutual funds

Fred Bone Fred at mandfb.me.uk
Wed Jul 5 12:32:13 EDT 2023

On 04 July 2023 at 16:29, AC said:

> I recently moved some mutual funds from one brokerage to another. The
> process did not involve a sale, it was just a transfer of control from the
> old to the new.
> In my current books I keep mutual funds listed as subaccount under each
> brokerage as such with their respective security/currency:
> Investments
> -Brokerage 1 (currency)
> --Fund A (security A)
> --Fund B (security B)
> -Brokerage 2 (currency)
> --Fund A (security A)
> --Fund C (security C)
> --Fund D (security D)
> I wanted to expand this to add the new brokerage and then perform a 
> transfer of the funds from one to the other. Let's assume I moved the
> funds under Brokerage 1 to Brokerage 3. So the tree would look like the
> simplified version below (leaving out Brokerage 2 as it is unaffected):
> Investments
> -Brokerage 1 (currency)
> --Fund A (security A)
> --Fund B (security B)
> -Brokerage 3 (currency)
> --Fund A (security A)
> --Fund B (security B)
> The securities are the same because it's the same original mutual funds,
> just moved to another brokerage. The tree would be left intact with the
> funds under Brokerage 1 being zeroed out and the funds under Brokerage 3
> starting off with the incoming values.
> My natural tendency was to create a transfer directly within Brokerage 1
> Fund A that moved all the shares over to Brokerage 3 Fund A but that
> didn't create the transaction I expected.
> By example, I transferred Fund A on July 1 which contained 10 shares at
> the price of the shares on that day. So in Brokerage 1 I entered -10
> shares with a total sell price of X as listed on the statement from
> Brokerage 1. The price is autocalculated and the balance correctly goes to
> zero.
> Looking inside the Brokerage 3 Fund A account I only see a transaction
> that has an amount in the buy column but no shares and a balance of zero.
> I can manually enter the same number of shares in that partially empty
> transaction but why was my thought about the transfer incorrect? Should it
> have not transferred those shares over as well?

Did you work in split view?

I can replicate what I think you are saying if I don't enter the separate 

If I go about it the obvious way (in split view) and enter balancing 
amounts then it all works.

However, I'm still on 2.6.21 ...

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