[GNC] Unable to get TIAA-CREF price quotes

Ken Farley farleykj at gmail.com
Wed Jul 5 21:16:31 EDT 2023

I don't know if this ever worked for you, but when I run it with the 
verbose flag "-v", I get the following:

==== [ Begin try with gnc-fq-dump ] ====

CMD> ./gnc-fq-dump -v tiaacref QCBMPX
Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
     symbol: QCBMPX (deduced)    <=== required
       date: ** missing **        <=== recommended
   currency: ** missing **        <=== required
       last: **missing**          <=\
        nav: **missing**          <=== one of these
      price: **missing**          <=/
   timezone:                      <=== optional

** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!

All fields returned by Finance::Quote for stock QCBMPX

stock           field  value
-----           -----  -----
QCBMPX      errormsg: Failed to fetch session key from TIAA site. Please 
contact the developers for further assistance.
QCBMPX          last: **missing**
QCBMPX           nav: **missing**
QCBMPX         price: **missing**
QCBMPX       success: 0

==== [ End try ] ====

Perhaps the behavior of the TIAA-CREF site has changed? Have you been 
able to obtain quotes in the past?

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