[GNC] Finance::Quote terminal commands not working with Flatpack v:5.3 install

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Tue Jul 11 11:30:26 EDT 2023

Hi Doug,

For the flatpak edition of gnucash the command to fetch quotes is slightly more complex:

flatpak run --command=gnucash-cli org.gnucash.GnuCash -quotes dump

This boils down to the following components:
- flatpak run .... org.gnucash.GnuCash
  => indicate you want to execute a command in the org.gnucash.GnuCash sandbox
     without any further options, this will run the default command in that
     sandbox, which is "gnucash"
- --command=gnucash-cli
  => indicate you don't want to run the default command, but gnucash-cli
- -quotes dump
  => the arguments to pass to the command to run



Op dinsdag 11 juli 2023 16:13:37 CEST schreef doug brown via gnucash-user:
> I installed via flatpack Gnucash v. 5.3 on Linux Mint v. 20 OS and the
> terminal commands that I previously used to find sources for quotes on
> longer work.  Here is the output: doug at sager:~$ gnucash-cli --quotes dump
> yahoo_json QCBMPXgnucash-cli: command not found doug at sager:~$ gnc-fq-dump
> -v yahoo_json QCBMPXCommand 'gnc-fq-dump' not found, but can be installed
> with:sudo apt install gnucash Any thoughts?
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